November 15 - 16, 2018
Riga, Latvia
Thursday, November 15
08:00-09:00 (entrance hall)
Opening ceremony
09:00-09:30 (room K1-115)
Conference opening
TPC Chair, Assoc.Prof. Arturs Aboltins
Welcome greeting
Baltic-German University Liaison Office, Ms. Ieva Pranka
About Baltic-German University Liaison Office project: Advances in Data Mining II: Interdisciplinary Studies
Klaipeda University, Dr. Julija Melnikova
Welcome greeting from RTU
Deputy Vice-rector for Research of RTU, Prof. Gatis Bazbauers
Welcome greeting from IEEE
Chair of IEEE Latvia Section, Prof. Nadežda Kuņicina
Welcoming speech
Riga Technical University, Latvia, Prof. Jurgis Porins
Keynote talk
09:30-10:15 (room K1-115)
High-speed integrated circuits for next-generation optical transceivers
IDLab, an IMEC research group at Ghent University, Prof. Johan Bauwelinck
Keynote talk
10:15-10:45 (room K1-115)
Reliability and Localization in Sensor Nets and Internet of Things
Fachhochschule Lubeck, University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Horst Hellbrück
Coffee break
11:00-11:30 (hall on the 1st floor)
A1: Wireless communications
11:30-13:00 (room 201)
Chairs: Anna Litvinenko, Ilmars Slaidins
Workshop on Data mining
11:30-13:00 (room 212)
Essential Interplay between Technology and Culture
Hochschule Wismar, Germany, Prof. Norbert Grünwald
Agend-based Simulation
Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, Prof. Ojaras Purvinis
Modeling of bursty Business processes
Hochschule Wismar, Germany, Prof. Andreas Ahrens
Application of Data Flow Burstiness Analysis in Retail: Case Study
Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, Prof. Diana Miceviciene
Data Mining Instrument Design for Evaluation of Adult Educators in an International Project
University of Latvia, Dr. Yelena Zascerinska
Lunch break
13:00-14:00 (place of your choice)
Keynote talk
14:00-14:45 (room 201)
Machine learning assisted optical communication systems and sub-systems
DTU Fotonik, Technical University of Denmark, Darko Zibar
A2: 5G Mobile
15:00-16:00 (room 201)
Chairs: Arturs Aboltins, Rolands Parts
B2: Sensor networks in medical diagnosis
15:00-16:00 (room 212)
Chairs: Juris Lauznis, Guntars Balodis
Coffee break
16:00-16:30 (hall on the 1st floor)
Invited talk
16:30-17:00 (room 201)
Single Lane 200 Gbps Transmitter for IM/DD Links
Kista High-speed Transmission Lab, RISE, Dr. Oskars Ozolins
A3: PHY techniques
17:00-18:30 (room 201)
Chairs: Ilmars Slaidins, Andis Supe
B3: Control systems
17:00-18:30 (room 212)
Chairs: Egons Lavendelis, Modris Greitans
Conference Dinner
18:30-21:30 (Cafeteria on the ground floor)
Friday, November 16
08:00-09:00 (entrance hall)
Invited talk
09:00-09:30 (room 201)
Towards integrated transmitters for short-reach optical links in the C-band
FOTON Institute (Univ. Rennes, CNRS), Prof. Christophe Peucheret
09:30-10:00 (room 201)
Spectrum Engineering towards 5G: Helping to ensure efficient and interference-free wireless communications
Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Portugal, Dr. Rogério Dionísio
Coffee break
10:00-10:30 (hall on the 1st floor)
A4: Antennas and electromagnetics
10:30-12:30 (room 212)
Chairs: Guntars Balodis, Tatjana Solovjova
B4: Optical communications
10:30-12:30 (room 201)
Chairs: Sandis Spolitis, Toms Salgals
Lunch break
12:30-13:30 (place of your choice)
Invited talk
13:30-14:00 (room 201)
Digital vs. Analog Radio-over-Fiber Fronthaul: a TCO Comparison
NETLAB – Networking and Transmission Laboratory (NETLAB), RISE, Dr. Aleksejs Udalcovs
A5: Sensor networks
14:00-16:00 (room 212)
Chairs: Dmitrijs Pikuļins, Aleksejs Jurenoks
B5: Networking techniques
14:00-16:00 (room 201)
Chairs: Ernests Pētersons, Andis Supe
Coffee break
16:00-16:30 (hall on the 1st floor)
Best paper award
16:30-17:00 (room 201)
Closing and Farewell
17:00-17:30 (room 201)